Are Dental Implants All You Need to Improve Your Smile?

Don't underestimate the power of social media; there is a reason why everyone is on it. These platforms can open you to connections you cannot get by yourself. In fact, many people have even gotten a job through relations made on various platforms. So, you need to be mindful of how you use your social media pages and the type of photos you upload about yourself and your life. Does your smile bother you when you are due to unsightly gaps in your teeth?

Same Day Dental Implants? It's Possible

It may seem counterintuitive, but the more implants you need, the greater the chances are of having them done in a single day. Read on and learn more.  When You Need Only One Implant Dental implants tend to last a very long time. They are implanted directly into the jawbone, and they will gradually become one with the bone. The post that sinks into the bone is designed to allow for bone growth.

The Reattachment Of A Tooth

If an individual would like to salvage a tooth that has been knocked out, it is imperative that they seek emergency dental services. Although damaged nerves and blood vessels cannot be replaced, there is a possibility that a tooth can be reattached. A Quick Response To An Injury A tooth can be knocked out while playing sports or upon being involved in an accident that involves a direct impact on the mouth.

Coffee, Tea, And Your Teeth: Avoiding And Dealing With Stained Implant Crowns

Dental implants have helped so many people regain the ability to bite normally and not have to worry about anything (like dentures) possibly falling out. While the process to get an implant can take anywhere from one day to a few months, depending on the specific procedure used, the result is a sturdy, stable replacement tooth that looks very natural. So natural, in fact, that you might find the crown part of the implant staining right alongside the rest of your teeth if you're an avid coffee or tea drinker.

Considering Jaw Surgery? What You Need To Know

Has your oral surgeon recommended orthognathic surgery to correct your jaw? You may have never heard this term before until your doctor informed you it was necessary to correct any irregular formation of your jawbone. The jaw is an important part of your oral health, as it serves as the main security for your teeth. Jaw surgery can also improve your overall appearance. If you have tried orthodontics to correct your bite or severely misshapen teeth, jaw surgery may be the next step.